Remembering Wilt Chamberlain and His Historic Numbers

Wilt Chamberlain Documentary
The Wilt Chamberlain documentary is the stuff of legends. Looking at his numbers, it doesn’t seem real because it is hard to fathom someone being that dominant. Chamberlain 5 times had 40 point 40 rebound games. He once had a triple double with 22 points 25 rebounds, and 21 assists. He averaged 37 points and 27 rebounds as a rookie and finished a season averaging 50 points.
Wilt isn’t remembered as fondly because he didn’t win as many championships as the legendary Boston Celtics. But history doesn’t mention that the Celtics were the first team to embrace Black players. Wilt shares in the blame for how is remembered because he did seem to be infatuated by his numbers as evidenced by the fact that he claimed to have slept with 20,000 different women.